Peer-reviewed papers:
"L'impact des dotations de péréquation sur les dépenses locales: une évaluation sur données communales en France", with Matthieu Leprince, Revue d'économie financière, (4), 107-119.
Book chapters:
"Simplifier les péréquations financières entre collectivités locales ? Une analyse des sources d’hétérogénéité entre dispositifs nationaux et locaux", with Matthieu Leprince, in Laudier, I. and Renou, L. (dir.), Prospective et co-construction des territoires au XXIe siècle, Hermann, 53-64.
Work in Progress
"Are Politicians Efficient Decision-Makers ? A Revealed Preference Approach", with myself.
"Distributional Preferences of Politicians: Experimental Evidence", with Laurent Denant-Boèmont and Matthieu Leprince.
"The role of population preferences in policy-making during a global crisis: Worldwide evidence", with Etienne Dagorn and Martina Dattilo.
Revised and Resubmit, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
"Is Redistribution Driven by Politicians' or Voters' Preferences? An Experimental Study with French Local Politicians", with Roberto Brunetti.
"Do Politicians Reciprocate More than Non-Politicians ? An Experimental Study in France", with myself.
"Fairness and Representation: Evidence from Simple Distribution Games with Standard Lab Population and Actual Public Decision-Makers", with Laurent Denant-Boèmont and Matthieu Leprince.
"Nudges vs. Boosts under GARP: a Laboratory Experiment", with Marie-Estelle Binet, Laurent Denant-Boèmont, Sabrina Hammiche, Laurent Muller and Benjamin Ouvrard (NEWTS project)
Crowd-source science
Reviewer for the "Management Science Reproducibility Project" (supervisors : Miloš Fišar, Ben Greiner, Christoph Huber, Elena Katok and Ali Ozkes)